With InCoWriMo (International Correspondence Writing Month) starting up in February, it seems fitting to focus on a worthy activity to put those pens to paper and make someone's day. Writing letters seems to be a lost art in this digital age, much like fountain pens, but the Letter Writers Alliance (LWA) formed to change that.
I became a member early on in 2016 and a lifetime membership is a whopping $5, how can you say no to that? I made a personal goal in 2016 and that was to become better connected to my fellow humans on this planet we call home. This blog sprouted from that goal, but so did my love of writing letters. The LWA supported my goal through their pen pal match program and I have a hefty pen pal list that is ever growing.
The LWA was formed in 2007 by Kathy Zadrosny and Donovan Beeson and these two ambitious women run this endeavor from a passion of mail and the art of letters. I have to admit, I love the feeling I get when I come home after a long work day and see a letter has arrived. It is an excitement that us analog people understand. These two women started this alliance and have seen it grow to over 11,000 members worldwide. I find that to be impressive.
Donovan and Kathy also work to make the LWA more interactive through social events throughout the year. Whether it be a virtual letter social, a mail art class or even their book club, members have some time to engage with other like minded individuals and "geek out" as it were.
I have met many people through the LWA and fulfilled my goal in 2016. That goal continues here in 2017 and I love writing letters and meeting new people. Donovan has become one of my pen pals and I always look forward to her letters. Her mail art and her wit always make me smile.
So grab some paper and your favorite pen and ink! Sit down and write a letter. I bet you will feel rewarded for doing so and whomever is lucky enough to receive that letter will have a smile on their face. A letter is a small thing with a huge impact. Make someone's day.
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